Thursday, April 2, 2009

Light is an essential resource for the eye perception.Scientifically all colour are perceived using the light and that is why its very difficult for one to see at night.White light provided by electricity provide almost all the colour as opposed to other sources like tin lamp,candles,firearms e.t.c.White is believed to be the source of all the colours and is got by mixing the three primary colours namely Red,green and Red which when mixed together in equal proportions will give Black made from colours Like Magenta,Cyan and yellow.

The resident of Kiogogo village in Mbeere district have be eagerly been waiting for this neccesity for several years but in vain .Mbeere district is one of the thirteen districts in eastern,with three division and nineteen locations.The area does not have stable rainfall patterns and therefore the productivity of the area is not all that good.

Because of the productivity the government of Kenya and the donor funds have not been getting reasons to fund the rural electrification in the area.In exception some Non-governmental organization like Compassion international and Plan international have tried their best to provide the same but could not be able to finance the whole electrification.

The above managed to install the electricity up to the adjacent Sub town called Kabubua-kanyama.There has been a lot of mockeries from this people to the people of Kiogogo.The resident have cried to the area Member of Parliament Hon Maxwell Lenny kivuti(a millionaire of the area ) to help them.

In each and every general election this has been the election agenda but nobody has ever tried to do so despite the promises since colonial period.The local MP has talked to the the KEN GEN(Kenya generating company) CEO Mr. Njoroge.Since the company in conjunction with Kenya power and lighting company were to do the electrification from Kiambere Hydro-electric power station to the dam under construction in R.Tana down stream,the MP will fund the electrification up to the Kiogogo market then the companies will continue up to Mutonga.

During a public baraza the MP promise the residents of getting electricity to each and every home stead in the area.he added that the projects will be facilitated by the rural electrification funds which he said will be released soon.He also encouraged the resident to start development project that will encourage the government ministries funding.

In an interview with the Village elder,this is what he had to say"We are happy that at last we have the electricity after a long struggle.I believe now we are free from intimidation from our neighbors""More so we have killed a two birds with one stone " When i wanted to know why he had said so i came to realize that the infrastructure was virtually impassible ,but the Mbeere county council has made the road passable by murraming.This was made to enhance the electrification.

The electrification will have many livelihood benefits for example Ngoce primary school now will be able to get electricity and the radio programs for the primary school pupils will be easier.The school has bee running the gadget using the solar power which they say is unreliable because sometime the sun is covered by cloud and hence not able to get the lessons

The proposed Kiogogo health center will now be constructed without any problem and implementations and treatments will be fine because of the energy required in the health center,Moreover the market will now be lit and many investors will invest in the area and hence growth of the area.

Mr.John Ngai the kiogogo market business man highlighted the resources in the area that lies un utilized because of lack of power.He said the ballast in the area is not a problem because of the availability of stones but they luck the machines to crash them because lack of power.Secondly he says that many residents have avoided to built expensive lodges for they will never get the customer because most will like to leave in a place with electricity.

The resident are now happy have have a reason to smile.The young children will now be able to perceive the electricity light during their younger age as opposed to an age of 18years when they join most of the secondary school in the district.